When do you start potty training your little one?
Some moms like to start around twelve months with their children. And with daycare starting, you have to keep up! You may be thinking it is taking "forever" as you have some good days with results and then digress. You can work on it slowly and not put a lot of pressure on the child.
At home, make it routine to ask your child if he or she needs to go potty. You can sit the child on the toilet to start the routine, especially upon waking up and right before bedtime. Adding/setting reminders on your phone to help set a routine is what a lot of parents do. The timing varies from kid to kid, but you can try every 15 minutes have the kid sit on the toilet seat for 2 minutes and then after a week or two, start the reminders for every 30 minutes. (How cute is this seat from BabyBjorn?!) You will be relieved when you can wait larger increments, put don't push it too quickly.
Are boys easier to potty train? From what we have heard, the answer is yes.
Pediatricians will tell parents to follow their child's lead. Every time your child successfully goes pee or poop in the toilet, consider it a win. Make sure to let the child know that it is correct, and you are thankful. You can offer them a treat or sticker and repeat positive sayings when they do well. You are a proud parent.
From the above video, we like how Gabriela lists signs that your child is ready to be potty trained.
1. He/she has told you pee or poop before or during elimination.
2. Is communicating verbally with you.
3. He/she understands commands.
4. Little one has gone a couple has with a dry diaper.
Nicole, who purchased a diaper cake from us, says that she has been potty training for nearly four weeks. She says her daughter is doing great and goes to the potty 95% of the time when she is home with no pull-up or underwear on. The catch is that when she does wear underwear, she will pee in them. Is there anything that she can do to make the transition to wearing underwear a little easier? Yes, this is totally normal and having your child let you know will be very helpful. Tell your child, "When you feel you have to potty, get to the potty right away. Ask for help if you need it."
It is not uncommon for a child that starts potty training too early to have times where he or she will regress. Just be patient and it will happen before you know it! An occasional accident may still happen here and there and there is no shame in keeping your child in pull-ups at night. You can use diapers and pull-ups until they are able to go a full week with a dry diaper for nap times.
If you need more diapers, don't be shy. We have several cakes designs for you to pick from or request for a custom cake. If you are no longer needing diapers, we also have other items available too.