Your diaper bag is essential to your daily life on the go with a baby. What qualities are most important to you when picking out a diaper bag? We know that the look is important and price matters but what else?
We have researched the net to find you the best, highest quality diaper bags you’ll LOVE!
Several compartments allows you to fully enjoy the multi-functional bags for storing milk bottles, clothing, diapers, and more. Would you consolidate your purse's goods to the diaper bag? Some diaper bags allow you a section to carry your wallet and phone together in a compartment.
This Baby Nina Dzyvulska Print Diaper Bag by Gucci is a great choice. So playful. We are digging the orange leather strap. We love that this particular diaper bag comes with a fold-out padded changing mat as well.
Easy To Clean
Moms on the go are having to stop here and there with their babies. When your baby needs changing, sometimes you sit the diaper bag on the changing station. Other public places not so clean include shopping carts and floors. Here are some tips for cleaning/disinfecting your bag from all the dirtier surfaces. You can also learn more at the links below.
On The Go
Buy Buy Baby says that backpacks are helpful because mommies can carry them on their shoulders. This makes it a whole lot easier for parents to transport everything their baby needs. YES to being hands-free.
Great Little Human wrote about picking out the perfect size diaper bag. You need something that will hold all the necessities- from pacifiers and milk bottles, to blankets and a changing pad. Nordstrom has great options for durability. Need a diaper bag with a laptop sleeve? Here are some awesome options for you to check out.

Target has a wide selection as well with reasonably priced options you'll love. We are digging this Skip Hop Suite Diaper Bag Backpack Set. It comes with 6 pieces and you get to choose from three color options. Also, it conveniently attaches to stroller with included stroller straps.
Shop now and don't forget to tag us with your diaper cakes from La Flor!